Supercharge Your Website with the WordPress Email Plugin: A Comprehensive Guide

wordpress, web, design

Sending and resending emails is a crucial part of running any WordPress website. Whether you need to send account registration emails, e-commerce order confirmations, or newsletter campaigns, having a reliable email setup ensures your vital communications reach your subscribers' inboxes.

However, the default WordPress email functionality has limitations that can hinder email deliverability and open rates. This is where a dedicated WordPress mail plugin becomes essential.

We'll cover everything you need to know in this blog. Keep reading to learn about crucial WordPress tips.

Understanding WordPress Email Functionality 

wordpress, hand, logo

Before we dive into WordPress email plugins, it's important to understand how WordPress handles sending emails out of the box.

Default WordPress email settings 

When you first install WordPress, it comes preconfigured for sending or resending emails using the PHP mail() function.

Specifically, WordPress uses the wp_mail() function to handle all outbound emails ranging from password reset emails to email subscriptions.

wp_mail() function 

The function takes your content, formats it into a proper email message, and hands it off to the server's native function for delivery.

Normally, WordPress, by default, sends emails through your web hosting site's basic SMTP settings. Usually, shared hosting services have simple SMTP servers made for small personal activities instead of large transactional and list emailing needs.

Limitations of default email settings 

Relying on your basic shared web hosting SMTP server can cause the following problems:

  • Poor email deliverability: Emails may get trapped in spam or not arrive at all.

  • Lack of customization: You have limited control over names, email formatting, etc.

  • Difficulty with mass mailing: Shared SMTP servers often throttle emails to a few hundred per hour.

  • No delivery guarantees: The wp_mail() function doesn't validate successful delivery.

  • No analytics or insights: You can't view rich stats like opens, clicks, etc.

  • Security and compliance risks: The basic SMTP servers lack important email security protections.

Why you need a WordPress mail plugin 

WordPress, blog, blogger

To overcome the limitations above, it is crucial to install a dedicated WordPress mail plugin connected to a professional third-party delivery service.

Here are some key benefits provided by WordPress email plugins:

Improved email deliverability 

Professional email services like SendGrid, Mailgun, and Mailchimp have advanced deliverability features like IP warming, domain authentication, and sender reputation monitoring, which massively improve the chances your emails reach the inbox.

Enhanced email customization options 

Email plugins give you more control over critical details like your sender name, email formatting, and more to polished, professional communications.

Integration with third-party email services

Most plugins allow quick integration with leading email service providers, such as SendGrid, Mailgun, Mailchimp, Gmail, and others, to reliably send high-volume emails.

A dedicated WordPress mail plugin unlocks professional-grade email functionality that transforms your website's email capabilities. Checking weekly email summaries will help prove this fact.

Top Email Plugins for WordPress Site

WordPress, blogging, blog

There are dozens of WordPress email plugins available, both free and paid. We've rounded up some of the top options along with their notable benefits and features:


WP Mail SMTP is another popular WordPress email plugin.

Benefits and features

  • Easy integration with Gmail, SendGrid, Outlook, and other major email services.

  • Custom From name, reply-to address, and sender info.

  • Detailed email logs for debugging issues.

Setup and configuration 

WP Mail SMTP has a simple setup wizard that allows you to connect and authenticate with your chosen mail service in minutes. The plugin documentation also provides step-by-step instructions for configuration.

WP Mail SMTP Pros and cons


  • User-friendly and easy to set up SMTP for a WordPress site.

  • Works seamlessly with all top email services.

  • Free basic version available.


  • Advanced features like mail logging require a paid upgrade.

  • Some users report minor conflicts with other plugins.


at, e-mail, send

SendGrid is an enterprise-grade email delivery platform with a WordPress plugin optimized for high-volume mailers and advanced email features.

Benefits and features

  • Highly scalable transactional email delivery optimized for high send volumes.

  • Real-time email analytics and reporting.

  • Advanced tools like A/B testing and segmentation.

Setup and configuration

Once you install the plugin, create a SendGrid account and set up your WordPress settings with your SendGrid API credentials. SendGrid's documentation provides step-by-step instructions.

Pros and cons 


  • Industry-leading deliverability and reliability.

  • Powerful analytics and insights.

  • Generous free tier for low-volume emails.


  • It has a steeper learning curve than other plugins.

  • You must pay for a SendGrid account to use the plugin.


contact us, contact, email

Mailgun is a mail service with a WordPress plugin focused on excellent deliverability through features like a generous free tier and real-time activity feed.

Benefits and Features

  • Over 10,000 free outgoing emails per month.

  • Built-in image hosting and attachment handling.

  • Activity feed with real-time delivery updates.

Setup and configuration 

The Mailgun plugin uses an easy 5-minute guided setup. First, create a Mailgun account before setting up the plugin.

Pros and cons of Mailgun 


  • Excellent deliverability with a generous free tier.

  • User-friendly setup and email template customization.


  • Advanced features like tags require upgrading to a paid plan.

  • Some email logging issues were reported with the free plugin version.

Postman SMTP 

internet, right of use, e mail

Post SMTP is a flexible WordPress mail plugin compatible with 100+ SMTP providers, including Outlook, Yahoo, and Zoho.

Benefits and Features

  • Connect with any SMTP provider, including Outlook, Zoho, and Yahoo.

  • Send email blasts without worrying about getting blocked.

  • Email logging and error troubleshooting.

Setup and configuration 

icon, settings, configuration

Post SMTP has a quick setup wizard that walks you through connecting your email provider and sender settings in just a few minutes.

Pros and cons


  • Broad compatibility with 100+ SMTP providers.

  • Easy to install with a user-friendly setup.

  • Free version available.


  • Basic features only - email analytics requires upgrading.

  • Some compatibility issues were reported with newer PHP versions.


email, open, icon

Easy WP SMTP is a simple plugin for WordPress that helps set up SMTP easily from your dashboard.

Benefits and Features

  • Configure SMTP provider directly from your WordPress admin.

  • Customize From names, Reply-to addresses, and more.

  • Send unlimited emails with the free version.

  • Email logging.

Setup and configuration 

You can set up your preferred email provider with just your username, password, and host settings.

Pros and cons


  • Extremely quick and easy SMTP setup right from your WordPress dashboard.

  • Unlimited emails with the free version.

  • Dedicated support team.


  • Lacks tracking features.

  • A Gmail Captcha workaround is required for the Gmail SMTP setup.

Choosing the Right WordPress Email Plugin for Your Website

mail, message, email

With so many plugin options available, how do you determine the right one for your website? Follow these tips:

Assessing your website's email requirements 

website, computer, online

First, consider your specific email needs in areas like:

Email volume 

If you have multiple email addresses and send low volumes of email from each, a free plugin may suffice. High-volume mailers will require a premium plugin or third-party service.

Email types (transactional, marketing, etc.) 

Assess whether you need to send marketing emails, transactional notifications, automated messages, or a combination.

Email customization needs 

To choose a sufficiently robust plugin, consider how much customization you need for emails, such as branding, templates, targeting, etc.

Comparing features and pricing 

money, dollars, cent

Want more WordPress tips? Compare the features and pricing across plugins to match them to your needs and budget.

Free vs. premium plugins 

For low volumes, free plugins like Easy WP SMTP or WP Mail SMTP may meet your needs. However, for higher volumes and advanced functionality, you may need more than WP Mail SMTP, which requires a paid upgrade or premium plugin.

Compatibility with your WordPress theme and plugins 

Ensure any plugins you are considering are compatible with your WordPress version, theme, and other installed plugins to avoid conflicts.

Ease of use and setup 

When choosing a plugin that your team can comfortably use, evaluate the setup process, interface, and available support.

Considering third-party email service integrations 

email, email marketing, newsletter

Determine whether you want to use a third-party service and choose a plugin.

Benefits of using third-party email services 

Third-party email services offer enhanced analytics, deliverability, and specialized tools for different email types.

Popular mail service providers 

Some top third-party services are SendGrid, Mailgun, Mailchimp, Amazon SES, Gmail, and Outlook 365.

Comparing mail service providers

When evaluating providers, look at factors like deliverability and ease of use.

Implementing and Configuring Your Chosen Plugin for Email Marketing Campaigns

social, media, social media

Once you've selected the ideal email logs plugin, it's time to implement it. Follow these steps:

Downloading and activating the plugin 

Installing most WordPress plugins takes just a few clicks. First, purchase and download the plugin if it's premium. If it's a free plugin, search for it in your WordPress dashboard and click Install. Finally, click Activate to enable it.

Configuring plugin settings 

After activating the plugin, locate its menu in your WordPress dashboard to begin configuration. Input details like your sender email/name, SMTP provider credentials, and any other settings.

Integrating with third-party email services (if applicable) 


If you're using a third-party provider like SendGrid or Zoho Mail, follow the specific steps to integrate those services with your chosen plugin.

Best practices for email configuration 

Proper WP mail SMTP configuration optimizes deliverability and branding. Follow these best practices:

Sender name and email address 

  • Set an appropriate From Name your subscribers will recognize.

  • Use a sender email address from your domain if possible.

Email Authentication

  • Set up SPF and DKIM authentication.

  • Configure DMARC policy for additional protection.

Email template customization 

  • There is no need to drag and drop anymore. Make customized email templates for each different type of email campaign.

  • Ensure a consistent brand image across all templates.

Testing and troubleshooting 

Before sending real emails, always test your configuration thoroughly:

Sending test emails 

Send test emails to different accounts and carefully verify that the sender details, content formatting, links, and images all look correct.

Common issues and solutions 

If emails aren't sent or the formatting looks broken, check server logs and plugin error messages to identify and fix any configuration problems.

Monitoring email deliverability

letter, e-mail, mail

Use email analytics tools to monitor key metrics like spam complaints, bounces, and delivery times at the same time to catch potential issues.

Thoroughly testing your WordPress email setup helps WordPress users identify and resolve problems early before they impact subscribers.

Advanced Email Functions with WordPress Plugins 

email, icon, button

Once your email log plugin is configured and running smoothly, you can enable powerful advanced features:

Email Marketing Integration

  1. Integrating dedicated email providers like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or ConvertKit allows for sending complex multi-step campaigns like autoresponders.

  1. Tools like Mailchimp for WordPress, Constant Contact Forms, etc, seamlessly connect these platforms with your site.

  1. Your log email plugin handles the sending while the marketing platform adds robust targeting, segmentation, and campaign management tools.

Automated email sequences 

  1. Automatically send welcome emails to new subscribers.

  2. Remind customers about items in their cart to encourage them to finish their purchase.

  3. Deliver drip campaigns with useful tips and personalized offers after a customer buys.

Personalized email content 

letter, mail, email

  1. To have a meaningful conversation, include personalized content in emails, such as the subscriber's name, purchase history, or location.

  1. Show product suggestions based on past purchases and browsing history.

  1. While you write posts, remember to tailor each subscriber's subject line to their interests and behavior patterns.

The right WordPress mail plugin opens up a whole new world of professional-grade email log functionality to engage your subscribers.

Email Analytics and Optimization 

To get the most out of your email log campaigns, you need to monitor performance and continuously optimize your strategies using data closely.

Tracking email performance metrics 

E-mail, news and gold

With WordPress mail plugins, you can unlock powerful email log analytics capabilities, including but not limited to:

  • Measure how often subscribers open your WordPress emails.

  • See how frequently links in your email are clicked.

  • Identify emails rejected or marked as spam to fix issues.

  • Try variations of your emails to determine what resonates most with subscribers.

  • Try different subject line phrasing and emotional triggers.

  • Rearrange content sections or try different visual layouts.

  • See where on the email a CTA button drives the most clicks.

Optimizing email campaigns based on analytics 

tab, graph, statistics

Use insights from the metrics to optimize future emails:

  • Double down on the specific templates and formats that perform best.

  • Send more targeted emails to engaged subscribers and less to inactive ones.

  • Keep testing new tactics and fine-tuning your approach for better results.

You can take a data-driven approach to email marketing optimization with the right log email plugin.

Email Security and Compliance 

sign, security, protection

While email plugins supercharge your capabilities, you must also consider vital security and compliance factors.

Securing your WordPress email setup 

  • Use SSL/TLS encryption to secure emails and prevent snooping.

  • Implement SPF and DKIM to guard against forged sender identities.

  • Keep your lightweight plugin updated to ensure you have the latest security patches.

Complying with email regulations 

  • Ensure compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act by including opt-out links and sender info, and honor unsubscribes.

  • Respect GDPR by only sending emails to subscribers who have consented. Allow easy unsubscribes.

  • Research and comply with any regional anti-spam or data protection laws applicable to your subscribers.

Managing email subscriber preferences 

  • Include a clear one-click unsubscribe link in the footer of all WordPress emails.

  • Promptly remove subscribers from your list if they unsubscribe or opt-out.

  • Regularly prune inactive subscribers to ensure you are only emailing engaged recipients.

Future Trends in WordPress Email Plugins 

Future trends

head, wireframe, face

The email log plugin landscape will continue rapidly evolving in the coming years with exciting new features on the horizon:

AI Optimization

Artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities are expected to transform email marketing optimization and the process of making multiple posts. Future email plugins may incorporate advanced AI tools to analyze subscriber engagement data and automatically optimize every aspect of emails for each recipient.

For example, AI could dynamically A/B test subject lines, personalize content and product recommendations, and determine optimal send times per subscriber. Latest blog posts on the subject suggest that this hyper-personalized AI optimization will raise email log relevancy and open rates to new levels.

Integration with Messaging Apps

smartphone, app, news

As user engagement shifts from email to messaging apps, we can see that email plugins integrate channels like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram alongside traditional email.

This would allow marketers to orchestrate true omnichannel campaigns spanning email and popular messaging platforms. The plugins will likely provide unified analytics and automation across channels.

Enhanced Personalization and Segmentation

e-mail, mail, contact

WordPress SMTP plugins are expected to leverage increasing amounts of subscriber data to enable more personalized and highly targeted emails.

Specifically, we'll see more dynamic content with personalized product/content recommendations based on purchase history and browsing behavior. Plugins may customize email content for each subscriber segment down to the individual user level.

Segmenting subscriber lists based on detailed demographics, interests, and engagement data will enable extremely customized detailed email reports. Overall, the future will bring more relevant and delightful subscriber experiences through hyper-personalization and paid add-ons.


Blog conclusion from Divya

As detailed in the blog post, installing a purpose-built WP mail SMTP plugin greatly boosts your website's email functionality, unlocking improved deliverability, detailed analytics, robust automation, and higher subscriber engagement.

It is crucial to choose the plugin that best matches your specific use case and requirements. With a meticulous approach to configuration, testing, and security, your chosen email plugin will supercharge your website's email capabilities to new heights.

The world of email marketing and automation continues to progress rapidly. By harnessing the power of a modern WordPress email plugin, you can keep your website's email functionality ahead of the curve and deliver tremendous value for your subscribers.

Divya Gandotra

Divya Gandotra is a skilled content creator with more than ten years of experience making interesting and informative content. She carries out comprehensive studies and distills intricate data into articles that are simple to comprehend.

Divya is skilled in WordPress, SEO, and other digital content topics. She pays close attention to detail and is passionate about creating impactful content. Divya's writing abilities help her clients achieve success.

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